Arlington House Chapter, NSDAR
Arlington, Virginia
Our Patriots
Arlington House Chapter, NSDAR, members are proud to be direct descendants of the following Revolutionary War Patriots. Below is the full list of current members' Patriots and the state and position in which they served.
This list is updated yearly.
John Branner, Private & Patriotic Service
John Bruce, Sergeant
Mary Bryan, Patriotic Service
William Bryan, Patriotic Service
George Chapman, Non-Commissioned Officer
Zachariah Compton, Soldier
John Freshour, Private
Benjamin Hodnett, Private
John Hopewell, Private
Joseph Johnston, Sergeant
David Lanier, Captain
Mask Leake, Captain, Patriotic Service
Richard Morris, Patriotic Service
Sanford Paine, Patriotic Service
Ephraim Seamans, Private
Joseph Wahab, Patriotic Service
Dudley Williams Patriotic Service
John Woodward, Ensign
Benjamin Barnes, Captain
Joshua Chillson, Private
Joshua Farnum, Non-Commissioned Officer & Patriotic Service
John Farrington, Private
Noah Brooks Kimball, Private & Civil Service
William Ladd, Private
Isaac Tower, Sergeant
Abijah Upham, Musician
Amos Upton, Sergeant
John Whitehead, Lieutenant
North Carolina
James Arrington, Civil Service
Daniel Boone Bryan, Private
Thomas Cowing, Captain
Cary Cox, Sr., Soldier
Abraham Low, Private
Benjamin Merrill, Private
Maurice Raiford, Lieutenant
William Sharp, Aide de Camp
Ebenezer Hopkins, Civil Service & Patriotic Service
Daniel Alford (Alvord), Private
Sampson Covell, Private
Roswell Fitch, Private (also of New York)
Christopher Foster, Private
Simeon Howard, Private
Elihu Kent, Sergeant, Patriotic Service
Jonas Main, Ensign
Daniel Trowbridge, Private
New York
Enos Ambler, Private
John Ambler, Private
Hendrick Benner, Private
Stephen Curry, Private
Richard Ferris, Private
Micah Halsted, Private
Elijah Herrick, Captain
John J. Klock, Lieutenant & Patriotic Service
Gerhard Daniel Koch, Patriotic Service
Henry Larue, Private
Cornelius Linderman, Private
John McArthur, Lieutenant
Josiah Parish, Private
Samuel Slauson, Soldier
Simon Van Der Cook, Ensign
George Warner, Jr., Private
Anna Abendschon, Patriotic Service
Reinholt Abendschon, Patriotic Service
John Bull, Lieutenant
Cornelius Devore, Private
John Georg Foght, Patriotic Service
James Horrell, Captain
Andrew Kincaid, Private
John Philip Klinger, Private
Jeremiah Much, Matross
George Norris, Jr., Patriotic Service
Giles Parman, Private & Patriotic Service
James Shaw, Private
Philip Shearer, Private
Peter Steiger, Private
Jacob C. Waldhauer, Civil & Patriotic Service
New Hampshire
Joseph Adams, Jr., Civil Service
Ebenezer Eastman, Patriotic Service
Joseph Jewell, Corporal
Rhode Island
Esek Eddy, Private
Eli Hyatt, Soldier & Patriotic Service
Joseph Johnson, Private
George Mattern, Private
George Reynolds, Private
New Jersey
John Francis, Teamster
James Tappan, Private
South Carolina
Henry Davis, Lieutenant & Patriotic Service
Joseph Griffin, Private
William Leslie, Soldier & Patriotic Service
John Lott, Soldier
Austin Stone, Private, Civil & Patriotic Service
James Witherspoon, Captain,